Our Courses

We seek to add value to every client and adopt a highly collaborative approach to all our engagements. Below are a list of the courses we do offer :

A service-driven culture is created by always placing your customer at the centre of your business. Any business which is serious about survival, growth and profitability needs to give customers a reason for choosing their product and or service. Customer service excellence is therefore critical and this calls for customer-centric personnel throughout the organization. This customer service course will drive participants to become more customer centred and passionate about giving excellent service.



Do you want to be a professional salesperson? Do you want to maximise sales? Do you want to be able to sell ice cream to an Eskimo? Do you want to be able to look after your customers even after the sales encounter and keep the business relationship for good? If yes, then this course is for you. Effective Selling Skills is a critical soft skill that must be acquired by all people involved in selling products and services in the various sectors of the economy mainly in the private sector.  It therefore becomes imperative that for effective professional interaction it is desirable to factor-in Effective Selling Skills to keep business communication channels and relationships smooth


Are you in tune with your emotions? Are you able to manage your own emotions? Can you recognise other people’s emotions and manage them?  If NO, then you need this course. Effective use of emotional intelligence is necessary for developmentof solid, trusting relationships. The importance of feelings and emotional processes within individuals in a workplace can sometimes be overlooked. However, it is essential to remember that professionalrelationships with clients can be largely influenced by individual emotional state and their awareness of it.

Internal relations within a company – the ones you have with colleagues and team members are equally important. Experts in the field of EI suggest that the quality of these relationships determine an organization’s business success.Emotionally intelligent people are able to work together to maximum effectiveness. This can only increase the organization’s success, however measured.


Performance management affects management and staff at all levels and embraces all entities. Within the organisation, it focuses not only on individual employees, but also on teams, programs, processes and the wide company structures. It generally propels the organisation and its segments towards success and the realization of the company’s short-term, medium term and strategic goals.

The objectives and targets of the organisation, how they are measured, weighted or eventually evaluated, are the pivotal aspects of performance management. Performance management is therefore critical to achievement of a competitive advantage in today’s diverse and fast changing business environment. Ignoring performance management could be assimilated to walking in the dark with no focus, no priorities, no goals and no confidence in organizational endeavors or decision-making. This course is therefore critical for growth and success of any organisation

This course is designed for managers and team leaders from various backgrounds who are looking to enhance their leadership skills and learn effective strategies for managing change. In today's fast-paced and constantly changing business environment, the ability to lead and manage change has become more important than ever before. This course will expose learners to leadership and change management theories and models andwill enable them to gain practical skills that can be applied in the workplace. They will get a deeper understanding of the key principles of leadership and change management.


This course is designed for first level leaders who oversees the job performance of junior staff members.  It is about communicating effectively and giving out orders and assignments and making sure they are carried out properly. It involves conflict resolution, problem solving, time management, staff development, coaching, guiding, performance management and appraisal, motivating junior staff and encouraging teamwork. 



Are you ever faced with making decisions in your workplace? Do you ever have doubts of whether the decision is ethical or not? Do you care about practicing good work ethics always? You might need this course.

What exactly makes a decision ethical? The problem with ethics is that what may seem morally right (or ethical) to one person may seem appalling to another. Thiscourse will help learners to definetheir ethical framework to make it easy to solve ethical dilemmas. It will expose the learner to some tools that canbe used when one is faced with an ethical decision. It will also equip the learner with some techniques which can be used to avoid getting stuck in an ethical quandary. Strategies for delivering this course includes the use of case studies to allow one to practice making decisions in a safe environment.


Are you productive in what you do in your workplace/ business? Can you measure your productivity levels? This course will help you to answer that.

In the olden days, Productivity was seen as hard labour, working long hours and multitasking. Through the paradigm changes in the most profitable and lucrative businesses, these views have been overtaken by working smarter, setting SMART goals and measuring output against inputs. Time management in the workplace is essential as organizational synergies, divisions and other factors have a big role to play with technological advancement as companies seek to compete better than their rivals. Generally, boosting productivity in the workplace affects all organizational facets both internally and in dealing with the external stakeholders of the organization. The old adage of, “What gets measured gets done” (Wittkowski et al, 2020), is still very much practical in today’s modern world of fast changing technology.


 Do you have stock management issues in your business? Any stock losses? Variances? Stock-outs? If yes, then you need this course.

Stocks (inventories) are a significant element of any organization / business and therefore should be planned for, properly controlled and managed if the organization is to be profitable. This course will examine various approaches and techniques of managing stock efficiently and at lower costs. The idea is to improve corporate service delivery through a steady flow of inventories while also minimizing stockholding costs and subsequently have the optimum profits for the business. In line with technological advancements, technology-based stock management systems will be explored. Stock management is increasingly becoming a tool for the best use of resources and for attaining total operational efficiency across different industries. This course will address common stock management challenges such as delays, interruptions, stock-outs,loss of production time and stock variance issues.


Every workplace needs to have trained personnel on this course. Disciplinary issues are always there in all organisations and staff at supervisory and management level need to be able to handle cases of disciplinary hearing and grievances.This course will empower learners with knowledge and skills which will enable them to havea clear understanding of the legal framework within which the disciplinary procedure   occurs. The learners will know the rights and obligations of each party in a grievance and disciplinary procedure and they will be able to distinguish between procedural and substantive fairness, and the standards of proof used to determine fairness. They will be able to conduct a fair grievance and disciplinary hearing and impose appropriate sanctions.



This course is designed to offer basic knowledge of team building and includes simple and fun-filled activities on teamwork.  Team building is an ongoing process meant to help people build a cohesive unit with a common purpose.  Building trust, giving support, communication, sharing, motivating one another, problem solving and resolving conflicts are some of the ingredients for team building. This course is needed to motivate staff and remind them of what to do to support the vision, mission and live the values of their organisation.



Are your staff members working as a team? Is the team effective? If NO, then you need to build a team and an effective one, not just a team. Enrol your staff on this course and see the results. Effective Team building is critical for any organization/ business. Employers must not only find the right people for the right role, but they must also ensure that the right people are working together effectively. By understanding how teams function and how individuals will work together on tasks, leaders can optimize the teams within their organizations by training them on effective team building techniques. By understanding the behavioral distance of current and potential team members from one another, managers can make better decisions and manage the teams well.  This can enable them to drive synergy, improve retention, reduce conflict, and contribute to organizational success.



Do you have teams in your organisation? Are they functioning as teams? Do the teams interact well?  Can you realise the effect of the interaction? Enrol your teams on this course to equip them with effective strategies which will improve their interaction and teamwork for positive results.



This course will enable learners to understand and appreciate the principles of time management and its importance in personal and business success. They will be able to analyse tasks effectively, efficientlyand prioritize them based on urgency and importance. They will also be able to develop practical planning and organization skills to optimize productivity and meet deadlines, hence efficiency in work processes. Learners will be equipped with the necessary skills to assess effective delegation techniques to enhance efficiency and empower team members. They will apply time-saving strategies and improve communication skills for streamlined workflows and collaboration.



Strategy and business planning is critical for the survival of any business and this has been largely driven by advancement in technology and the need for businesses to be relevant in this dynamic operating environment. Customers, suppliers, competitors, investors and all other stakeholders are now much closer than before despite geographical distances. A business which fails to take cognizance of these changes is most likely to suffer from outdated strategies which become unacceptable to today’s versatile stakeholders. Therefore, the main purpose of this course is to equip the learner with knowledge of long-term corporate planning for better competitive advantage. Eventually, learners are expected to make more meaningful analysis of their business environment and plan effectively towards the diverse options of growth and integration that are predisposed to today’s business atmosphere.



 Risk is an inherent aspect of our daily lives, and avoiding all risks is neither feasible nor advisable. Instead, it is crucial to consciously undertake appropriate risks and effectively manage them. In the context of activities in Botswana, risk refers to any factor that can hinder the achievement of goals and objectives. Thus, it becomes imperative to integrate risk management as a central component of all the company’s activities, encompassing the identification and control of risks that could impede successful outcomes. Risk management is not a novel concept; rather, it is a long-standing practice that is sometimes overlooked. It forms an integral part of organizational development and review processes, and a comprehensive understanding of potential risks is vital for the sustained prosperity of any business or organization.



This course is just about what anybody and everybody needs for a healthy life. It is a must do!

Wellness is a state of being able to practicehealthy habits on constant basis to attain physical and mental health. Stress management is the ability to reduce the negative impacts caused by stress and to improve a person’s physical and mental well-being. Stress management may include self-care, managing one’s response to stress and making changes to one’s life when in a stressful situation. There are a wide range of techniques and psychotherapies aimed at controlling a person’s level of stress, especially chronic stress to improve one’s ability to function well. 


Ability to give help to someone who is sick or injured when medical professionals are not there or whilst waiting for them is very important and should be desired by anyone. This course offers that ability. It will empowerlearners with survival skills, educate and train them on how to manage critical health scenarios, help in cases of emergencies and save lives.



Fire can bring disasterto any place in the absence of manpower skilled in Fire Fighting. This course is meant to equip anyone with basic skills of Fire Fighting so that they are able to helpavoid or minimise harm to people, animals, all living things and avoid or minimise damage to property and the environment during fire outbreaks. This course is a must have for anyone as it gives life skills and empowers one to help others during fire outbreaks. The economic benefits are huge as fire outbreaks are very common and destroys businesses, work environments, social environments and many others resulting in job losses.



During any fire emergency, there has to be someone in the fore front leading a team of fire fighters, giving out instructions and helping all other people to evacuate the emergency scene safely. This is the Fire Marshall.  All organisations need to have trained Fire Marshalls who understand issues relating to firefighting, fire prevention and fire management.  The Fire Marshall has more responsibilities including fire drills, fire evacuation plans, fire risk assessments, records relating to fire management, firefighting equipment maintenance and storage. This course is a must for all organisations.



Fire prevention is much better than firefighting. Prevention is better than cure. This course equips learners with the skills and knowledge of doing whatever they can to prevent fire and to manage fire in case of occurrence. It prepares learners to be able to do risk assessments to minimise possibilities of fire occurrence. The course will empower learners to be able to manage fire situations and prepare emergency evacuation plans.



Employees need to be provided with suitable training to enable them to work safely and to fully understand the companies’ health and safety policies, do risk assessments, know safe work procedures andallwork-relatedrequirements.They also need to understand how the policies are to be managed, and the role they will be expected to play within those policies.

A well-managed training programme will also help to develop a positive health and safety culture within the business as well as helping to ensure that the business meet its legal duty to protect the health, safety and welfare of its employees. Every employee and every self-employed person is entitled to work in an environment where the risks within that workplace have been assessed and are managed through the provision of suitable control measures. This course is therefore a must for all employees and employers.